Nano Brows & Ombré Brows After Care

Healing time varies from person to person. The results and longevity of the brows will depend greatly on how you take care of your brows during the healing process. It is important you follow the instructions below to achieve the best results.

There may be a little redness and tenderness which will subside within 24-48 hours.

Do not pick, peel and scratch your scab as your skin is in the healing process; doing so can cause loss of pigment and less than desirable results.

For the first 3 days avoid all water contact on the brows. On the 4th day gently pat your brows with a damp cotton pad and apply a thin layer of the A&D ointment once in the morning and once at night for 5 days.

Your brows will seem slightly dark but will gradually lighten up about 30%

Do not apply make up on your brows

Avoid suntanning, massages, facials, chemical peels or any products that will cause your skin to peel

Avoid exercise or any activities that will cause you to sweat

A touch up appointment will be required in 4-6 weeks in order to enhance any areas that have faded. There is no guarantee how long the results will last as each person has different skin type and lifestyle. An annual touch up is recommended to maintain the shape and color of your brows.